Hello, my name is Teddy. This is the story of my transformation.
Growing up, I was a chubby kid. My friends gave me nicknames such as “King Kong” and “Big Guy”. Fortunately, I was still fairly active, which helped kept my waistline in check.
It wasn’t until my university days that my weight spiralled out of control. Juggling between studies and a side business left me little energy for anything else. On top of that, a combination of bad diet and lack of exercise threw my health way off balance.
I didn’t realise how bad the situation was, until I saw this photo of myself:
This was me some time after graduation from university. I weighed 120 kilograms.
I had high blood pressure, high bad cholesterol, and lacked energy. The doctor said I had the body of a 50-year-old.
It was a wake-up call. I didn’t like the way I looked. I wanted to change, and the first thing came to mind is to starve myself. It worked for a while, until my cravings gave in, and my weight bounced back. I also tried many other diets, but came to many dead ends.
After many trials and errors, I’ve finally found a sustainable way to lose weight, and it can be summarised into 3 main points:
Eat meat & vegetables, nuts & seeds, some fruits, little starch, and NO SUGAR.
Routine is the ENEMY
Arguably the most important factor…come to one of my talks to find out the answer!
I’ve lost a total of 40 kilograms by following these 3 simple principles. Undeniably, I look and feel a lot different now. The physical and mental transformation have impacted me immensely, so much so that it gave me the courage to step out of my comfort zone, and speak about my experience publicly! You are invited to attend one of the events I am speaking at, or even better, organise one yourself! I will share my steps to transformation in depth, and reveal secret ingredient number 3.